Control/Prescribed Burning

Apply for an Open Burning Permit

Open burning refers to the burning of any material in an open space with no chimney to vent the emissions into the atmosphere. This also includes fires set for fire safety training purposes but excludes any recreational or commercial fires, e.g. fires for braaiing and cooking in dedicated areas.

How to apply

Examples of open burning include biodiversity burns of open veld, burning of agricultural stubble, and stack or fuel load reduction burns of biomass. No one may carry out open burning of any material on any land or premises unless the person has first obtained written authorization for open burning from the City’s Air Quality Management Unit, which is part of City Health.

Step 1: Application Form

Download and complete the Open Burn Permit Application form

Please ensure that all fields on the application form have been completed.

Please take note that there is designated burning periods for certain types of burns;

Step 2: Public Participation

Part of the Open Burn Permit application process requires that an applicant notify neighboring
properties regarding their intention to apply for an Open Burn Permit.

This can be achieved by;

Allow 7 days from public participation process for neighbouring properties to file an objection, if any, before submitting your Open Burn Permit application.

Step 3: Supporting Documentation

There is several supporting documentation required for the Open Burn Permit application;

Step 4: Submission of Open Burn Permit Application

The completed and signed Open Burn Permit application form together with supporting documentation must be submitted to the City’s Air Quality Management Unit at

Once the City’s Air Quality Management Unit has received your application it will be reviewed followed by a joint site inspection by the Air Quality Management Department and Fire and Rescue Services. Please ensure that your proposed burn site/s are prepared and ready prior to inspection.